The holidays gave us the much needed time to recharge and spend time with loved ones, getting back into your fitness routine in 2023 can be challenging. Here are a few tips to help you ease back into your fitness routine for the New Year.
1. Set specific times to exercise. Scheduling time to exercise is an effective way to enhance your work-life balance, mentally prepare for workouts and eliminates making excuses for skipping the gym due to a busy schedule. What is the best time slot in your day to workout? Which part of your day has the most free time?
2. Do not over do it! Pushing and motivating yourself during workouts is encouraged but after spending time away from the gym it is sensible to listen to your body and build up to intense workout routines. Going too hard too soon can lead to overuse injuries, muscle strains, tendonitis and a decreased enjoyment your workouts. After time off from the gym give your body the opportunity to rebuild-it is natural to not be able to run as far or lift as heavy as you did before the hiatus. Do not get discouraged during this time. With consistent workouts (20-40minute sessions at 2-4 times per week) you will be back to baseline in no time.
3. Make your workout routine personal. If you do not like the gym skip it-there are plenty of ways to get fit without stepping foot into a local gym. If you are a nature lover use your neighborhood, local beach or park to do more cardio such as interval training, running or walking. If you like to strength train at home consider purchasing resistance bands, kettlebells, or dumbbells for home use.
4. There is strength in numbers. Finding a friend in your circle with similar fitness goals is a great way to stay on track and motivated. On the days feel like skipping workouts your fitness partner can encourage you to get the job done. Fitness partners can also push you to take your workout to the next level with heavier weights, inclined workouts or taking a fitness class that you thought was beyond your fitness level. Check in with your fitness partner regularly to keep each other accountable and on track.
5. No goal is too small. Set short term fitness goals and routinely evaluate the effectiveness of those goals. Which exercise(s) works best for you? For your body? For your time? Long term goals are great but setting the short term fitness goals along the way helps to reflect on your progress and keeps you motivated to continue. Your goals should always have a time frame and be measurable. For example, if your goal is to run longer distances the short-term goal for the end of the month could be to increase your run time by 5 minutes each week.